I am leaving Malaysia on the 22 of February,
heading to Sydney taking Bachelor of Pharmacy.
Time is passing by,
so quickly that I'm afraid there's not enough time to say goodbye.
Trips, gatherings, farewell parties and etc,
the more I see you all,
the heavier my heart becomes.
During daytime,
we have fun together..
when the night arrives,
my heart sank of loneliness,
tears rolling down gently at first,
and start to pour everytime,
every moment,
when I'm missing all of you.
Homesickness is normal,
For me,
Pre-homesickness works well too.
It's not merely my home,
it's everything here..the land that I was born to,
friends that share the same mother tongue,
friends that I can lean on,
friends that knows me so well
I dont have to hide my flaws.
My family,
the best out of the best,
I cant ask for more...
Missing all of you
makes me really sick,
it's beyond words,
I choose not to continue,
as my eyes will be flooded
sooner or later.