Friday, April 9, 2010


诗云 :清明时节雨纷纷, 路上行人欲断魂。

以往,清明节都会下起毛毛细雨, 让人倍感思念往生的亲人。。回乡拜祭是我们家每年都会做的事情, 除了拜拜, 清明也是亲戚难得聚在一起的日子。。陪婆婆吃顿饭什么的。。

今年,清明节也一样下雨了,路上行人不断, 我撑着雨伞本想加紧脚步, 却停了一下。。朝向的不是人潮拥挤的坟山, 而是面对着离我家乡好远好远的大学门口。。抬头仰望着那天空, 心想:公公和外公能看见身在远方的我吗?

嗯, 我相信他们一直都在保佑着我 =)

远在异乡的你们, 还记得清明节吗? 偶尔为逝去的亲人稍去一份思念和祝福吧,愿他们永远安息~


Friday, April 2, 2010

A sudden thought

Yesterday I went to Easter show which was one of the most happening events in Sydney.
I was really excited and happy to watch crowd of people playing at the fun fare, spent tons of coins playing games that were extraordinary hard to win, but still heaps of winner brought back super big soft toys and prezzie~~
At first it was only sightseeing, but there came an urge to try a game to get the bear for myself, so i gave it a go and eventuallly went back empty handed. However, that was not the worst part since all the soft toys were only normal ones.
Then, something caught my eyes.A WHOLE ROWS OF MICKEY AND MINNIE MOUSE were hanging on one of the game counters and they are HUGE!!!! I wanted it sooo badly that i can go crazy, just that it's too expensive to play for the game and it's not guarantee that u will win ( throwing those rings into bottles ) I didnt try it thinking that it would be quite pathetic as well getting it for myself as most of the people there were couples playing together~
It's not about going into a shop and get the bear, it's about WINNING it and the proudness inside you that matters most. Of course, it will be perfect if someone win it for me.......=)
Yea, so there goes my ramdom thought yesterday when I was eyeing those mickeys and minnies~
happy easter everyone~