Sunday, April 13, 2008

you might not be the best, but u can always try your best!

1.Got up early to help out in my dad and his partners' new shop.

2.Stood at the registration counter, asking guests for their signatures and name cards.

3.Smiled brightly at them.

4.A few bossy ppl came, continued smiling brightly at them.

5.Alot of bossy ppl came, forced to smile happily at them.

6.Smiled until my cheek muscles cramped, but no choice..guests were coming in, SMILED!

lesson learnt : always keep a smiling face, ppl will soon notice u..and when ppl 'lan si' at u..just smile back and let them be shameful..afterall, customers come first! =P I was surprised when one guy came and asked me why i'm so 好笑容 in cantonese...hehe...of course la..want u to buy our products mah...~~~

Anyway, it's great when u are exposed to brand new experiences...learn alot...i'm really nothing compared to those successful ppl that i met yesterday......still lots more to gain!! gambateh!

* with all the directors and staff, group picture!

* my love ones =)

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